Italian aesthetics and Indian couture translate ancient patterns into contemporary designs

"With a passion for quality, craftsmanship and timeless designs we create a lifetime product" 

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How to wear a scarf according to your body type?


"caro is the ultimate luxury in its combination of softness, quality, craftsmanship and design. More than excited about the new collection."

- Sara Aulin

"Ce n’est pas qu’une histoire de produits mais également l’histoire, la qualité, le soin des matieres qui font que ces étoles sont superbes. Légères, élégantes, douces et chaudes. De très belles étoles"

- Estelle

"Nel tempo ho collezionato un discreto numero di pashmine Caro... di diversi colori e dimensioni le abbino a qualsiasi tipo di outfit, sia casual che elegante. Sono morbide e leggere, ma caldissime ....e soprattutto sono rifinite, chic e stilose. Un "accessorio" di qualità, versatile e comodo, da portare sempre con sè".

- Cecilia

"My favorite brand ever! caro scarfs are unique. I love all my caro scarfs...Their french knots, their nuance of colors, their pure cashmere... Elegant and casual at the same time."

- Marina Di Camillo

"A great present! Style with a luxurious feeling. Made him look good:)"


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